Revel in the Moment and Relish the Small Things

So today I took some time off, well on most days I take some time off but there are some days I kick off a little early. I was sitting around and thinking about what to do and I thought to myself this is a thinking or learning moment. I need to learn how to “Revel in the Moment and Relish the Small Things” in life.

So I wondered what it would be like to just live in this moment and find some small things to relish. So I sat down and thought of all the things I am not right now:

  • I am not a prisoner, or alone, or in a place that does not enjoy the same freedoms as I do.
  • I am not hungry, to  hot or to cold, naked, or afraid of the next day.
  • I have the capacity to be happy, to love others, and to help those in need.

With an attitude of gratitude and a moment in time where I felt like I was alive in the exact point I grabbed my Son and decided we were going to do something very simple and relish in the moment. So we decided to make our second favorite meal and sat down to watch an episode of Big Bang Theory.

Spaghetti Noodles

So we slaved over a hot stove and talked and laughed until the noodles were just right and the sauce piping hot. We scooped out the noodles and smothered it with sauce, salt, and Parmesan cheese and began to gorge. We then laughed as the guys tried to have a kite fight and Leonard tried to fit in with Penny’s friends while watching football. It was a good time with great company, superb but simple food, and a funny show. As we laughed with my son I thought to myself this is a moment in time I could freeze and enjoy in very slow motion.

So take a moment to think back in your life and remember all of those small moments in time that you cherish. They usually are moments of little monetary costs but provide infinite value. A first kiss, your child’s birth, or a glorious sunset. Take some time in your life to recharge with those you love, do something simple like cook a good meal and enjoy some time together talking or laughing at a funny show.